

Your prayers remain unanswered.


You are touched by Praios. Everyone’s courage is increased.

Praios grants [NAME] the favor of immunity to magic.

Praios is merciful.
[NAME] is no longer cursed.


Rondra grants all of you a more proficient sword arm.

Rondra engulfs you all in her aura, within which no magic can exist.

The [ITEM] of [NAME] is turned into a magic weapon by Rondra!


Efferd grants you the power to locate water.

Efferd grants you his protection on the waters.

It seems that Efferd turned you all into better swimmers.


The entire team is divinely fed by Travia.

Travia grants [N] LP.

Travia grants the team her protection during the night.


Boron protects you from the undead.

Praise Boron!
He returns [NAME] to the realm of the living!

Boron removes your fear of death.


Hesinde increases your ability to analyze artifacts.

Hesinde removes the curse from [NAME].

Hesinde divinely protects you all against magic.


You are granted the hunter’s luck.

You do not feel hunger nor thirst any longer.


Tsa’s breath grants [N] LP.

Tsa heals the entire team.

Tsa be praised!
[NAME] is back among the living.


Phex gives solace to all thieving hearts.

Phex makes merchants of you all.

Phex drops a spell into everybody’s hand.


Peraine grants [N] LP.

[NAME]’s illness is cured by Peraine’s intervention.


Ingerimm blesses all your weapons.

The [ITEM] of [NAME] is made a magic weapon by Ingerimm!

The [ITEM] of [NAME] is restored by Ingerimm.


Rahja turns you all into enchanting dancers for a while.

Rahja grants all of you an increased presence.

Rahja be praised!
You all will be better at dancing and seducing others permanently!

[NAME] is back among the living.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 172 | Отзывов: 0

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