“This is private property! Get lost!”
The door seems to be locked.
We always go to the market in Upper Orcam.
There is a small forest just off the path about halfway to Upper Orcam. It’s full of game, and a great place to rest.
There’s a band of brigands afoot in this area. Their headquarters must be somewhere in the mountains along the way to orkanger.
There’s a large forest about a day’s march towards hermit’s lake that’s an excellent place to gather herbs.
You can take a rest in a nice forest clearing about halfway to hermit’s lake.
Argo, son of Almar, in Vilnhome - he demands a good price, but he only delivers quality work. I can easily give him a top recommendation.
The best inn in Upper Orcam is definitely the “Happy prospector”.
The best smith around here lives in Upper Orcam. His name is Rodar.
The best place to buy weapons is Morka’s in Upper Orcam. His stock leaves no wish unanswered. Mind you, that dwarf demands a lot of money.
“Ingerimm’s forge”, is all I’ll say. There’s no better tavern in Upper Orcam.
Tardosch’s shop in Upper Orcam is a real treasure trove.
Hama Halyra in Orkanger really is reliable. Gives you no cause to complain and really knows a thing or two about healing.
You can get to Orkanger across the Hjaldor Mountains, but the path isn’t used much these days because of the thieves up there.
You can reach hermit’s lake via a dirt path beyond the Feldir.