

“Well, I’ll be. Who the blip are you?”

No one answers our knocks.

There is always a market in Breida on the first and third Marketday of every month.

There is a good spot to rest halfway along the road to Serske.

The bridge on the way to Tjoila is in terrible shape. It won’t last another thunderstorm.

Someone noticed the tracks of wild cattle a short way from Serske.

There are usually animal tracks crossing the road to Tjoila just to this side of the bridge. There’s a pure, cold spring there, too.

Halfway to Peilinen there is a rich herbal meadow just off the side of the road.

There’s a good inn on the river road a bit before Peilinen. It’s called “Old Nostria”.

If you’re looking for a really good smith, go to Gunn Beornsson in Thorwal. He’s the best far and wide.

A wide range of wares certainly has its value - if you’re looking for something out of the ordinary, take a look at that place owned by Stoerrebrandt by marriage in Thorwal.

You interested in weapons? I can recommend that dwarf-fellow Gumbladsson in Thorwal.

There is a reasonably passable way to Peilinen.

There is a wide road to Tjoila where even carts can pass quite comfortably. Mind you, it’s a bit bumpy.

You can take the old coach path to Serske, but I tell you, it’s in horrible shape.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 165 | Отзывов: 0

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