

“Excuse me, I’m just leaving!”

No reaction…

We have a market here on every second and fourth Swafnirsday of the month.

Starkad Swafnandsson’s shop in Orvil offers a real variety of some of the strangest things you’ll find.

Good Hyggelik in Overthorn can turn ploughs into swords, if you ask him to. He really knows his trade.

There’s this tulamidian in Overthorn, Kherim al Sharammi, who stocks only first class weapons. You should take a look, if you ever need one.

There’s only one inn in Guddasunden, but it’s a good one.

Old Valpo in Kord has everybody back on their feet so far. He must be the best healer in these parts.

There are two good smiths in Manrin, Aki Berasson and Eldgrimm Tevilsson. There’s no competition, they both charge exactly the same.

You can do a good day’s shopping in Manrin — Hjore Ahrensson’s shop is a real treasure trove.

There’s only one way out from Hjalsingor — via the harbor.

There is a ship leaving for Guddasunden almost daily.

There are ships leaving for Rovik and Prem about once every two days.

If you ask around the harbor, you should be able to find a ship to Manrin, Kord or Overthorn within two or three days.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 09.02.25 | Просмотров: 152 | Отзывов: 0

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