

“I want to be alone… now!”

No one reacts to your knocking.

We have a market here every first and third Windsday of the month.

You can pass over the Hjaldor mountains to Ottarje theoretically, but apart from a single cabin beyond the pass there’s hardly any shelter on the whole route. There’s a spring near that mountain cabin.

There are rich hunting grounds about 10 miles from Ala.

There’s a small mountain path winding up from Orvil through the Hjaldor range to Skjal. There’s a cabin reachable from both sides of the pass.

If you have to, you can cross the Rovik by foot, but you’ll have to cross the suspension bridge — you shouldn’t try it if you scare easily, I tell you. Anyway, hardly anybody uses it, what with so many boats available as well.

Good smiths like Korbosch are pretty rare.

Starkad Swafnandsson’s shop offers a great selection of curiosities.

The best way to Rovik from here is by ship or along the fjord. Then you can almost always get a ship in the right direction from there.

The road to Ala is quite busy. It would be a long detour to get to Thoss if you were to look for a ship in Rovik.

There’s a small path going up into the mountains in the south, where you can head for Skjal or Ottarje across some small mountain passes.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 166 | Отзывов: 0

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