
~ Black Mage Ruins

You hear a hollow and extremely derisive laughter drifting towards you that makes the blood in your veins turn to ice. You come to a quick stop and search futilely around you for the source of the eerie sound.

A young elf woman takes shape in front of you. She looks you over with a sigh before she slowly begins to smile. As you gaze upon her beautiful visage you immediately feel new confidence blossom within your soul.
“Do not lose heart, my friends. Your goal is within reach, if you are but persevering.”
With her words still lingering in the air, she disappears in a small puff of smoke and where she stood now lies a small vial.

Do you want to take the vial?

In the far corner of the room, a flicker of light catches your eye… you can’t tell for sure, but it’s almost as if something bright had somehow disintegrated into thin air. Again you hear the chilling laughter, but this time it is tinged with obvious triumph.

There is a small vial on the floor.
Do you want to take it?

Numerous bottles and jars line the shelves.
Do you want to check them out?

[NAME] knocks over a small bottle. Its contents mix with those of the jar standing next to it, and within seconds the whole room crawls with flames. Your eyes water as you struggle to breathe while the acrid smoke fills the entire cellar.

There is a locked trap door in the floor in front of you.
Do you

  • Break open the lock?
  • Cast “Foramen” on it?
  • Leave it be?

You manage to open the door. Beneath it, a steep stairway continues into darkness, well beyond what your eyes can see.

You cannot get the door to open.

You leave the ruins and its exhausting hallways to continue towards [NAME].

Do you really want to return to the mountains?

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 159 | Отзывов: 0

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