

“I’m afraid I’m just on my way out.”

There doesn’t seem to be anybody in.

We always go to Liskor for the market.

On the road to Ala, there are two good resting places for the weary traveler, one about 10 miles, and the second about 25. Near the first spot, there is a lush meadow full of herbs

If you cross the Hjaldor mountains to get to Rybon, you could try for the mountain hut that’s just over a day’s march from here.

The Tuzakian in Liskor has just about every weapon in stock that can be had in Arkania.

The best shop around here is in Tjanset. That Havena-Hobart really has almost everything in stock.

Hasgar of Manrek’s in Tjanset is worth visiting — you’ll find lots of herbs there.

I’ll just say one thing: if you’ve caught it real bad, go to Tjanset to Master Moryan. He’s the only chirurgeon near or far who really knows his business.

Starkad Swafnandsson’s shop in Orvil offers a great choice of curiosities.

I can heartily recommend fat Alfhild’s in Vidsand. It’s the best shop I’ve seen so far.

After about 30 miles, the road west splits. You can go on to Ala, or you can change course to Tjanset. Whichever way you go, the road isn’t very good.

You can get to Liskor within the day for sure.

Some travelers take the small mountain pass to Rybon, if they don’t care to wait for a ship, but that way is sheer murder in winter.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 174 | Отзывов: 0

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