

“Excuse me, I must be going…”

The door is securely locked.

We have a market in Skjal every first and third Marketday of the month.

There are two spots great for a night’s rest on the road to Ottarje, the first is about 10, the second about 30 miles away.

There’s some pretty good hunting halfway to Ottarje.

Anyone travelling to Prem by foot can spend the night at the “Longship” inn.

There’s a narrow path that winds through the Hjaldor mountains from Skjal to Orvil. There’s a cabin on each side of the pass.

Ingram Ingramsson is more than just a good smith — he’s an artist of the sledgehammer.

If you want to spend a night of luxury in Prem, you should take a room at the “Fortress” inn.

Whatever you’re looking for — you can find it at Storko of Gollbritz’s in Prem.

You know who is the best herb-seller far and wide? One Leg in Prem.

Do look in at Alwine Ter Haas’s in Ljasdahl, it’s the best shop I know.

If you’ve really caught it bad, go see Branda Sturmtrutz in Ljasdahl. She’ll get anybody back on their feet.

It’s pretty good travelling along the coast to Ottarje, but I prefer to go by ship. After all, there’s one going almost every other day.

You can walk to Prem without any problems, or you can wait for a ship. Normally you don’t have to wait for very long.

Occasionally there are ships leaving Skjal for Runinshaven.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 162 | Отзывов: 0

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