

“Leave me alone… please!”

Nobody lets you in.

We always go to Kord for the market, or even to Prem.

Old Valpo in Kord can get almost everyone back on their feet. He’s the best healer near and far.

If you want to spend a real night of luxury in Prem, take a room at the “Fortress” inn.

Whatever you’re looking for — you’re sure to find it at Storko of Gollbritz’s in Prem.

One Leg in Prem, now. He’s the best herbalist around.

There’s a really blessed healer living by the lighthouse on Runin. Faenwulf Far Traveller is his name.

There’s a ship leaving for Kord about every other day.

Sometimes you get lucky and find a fisherman setting sail for the Runin Lighthouse.

If you want to go to Runinshaven, you have to ask at the harbor — you may have to wait up to three days, though.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 172 | Отзывов: 0

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