

“You stay right out there where you belong.”

The door is barred from the inside.

Prem’s market is always busy.

The old mine by the river is cursed — a lot of people who tried to gather riches there have disappeared, never to return.

Anyone going to Skjal by foot can spend the night at the “Longship” inn along the way.

A good day’s walk towards Skord, you’ll come across the “Eagle Rock” inn.

The old mine by the river is cursed — a lot of people who have tried to gather riches there have disappeared, never to return.

If you want a real night of comfort, you should take a room at the “Fortress” inn.

Strong Deorn knows a thing or two about smithying.

Whatever you’re looking for — you’ll find it at Storko’s.

One Leg is the best herbalist far and wide.

There’s a blessed healer living in one of the houses at the Runin lighthouse, Faenwulf Far Traveller is his name.

If you want to go to Kord and don’t have the time to wait for a ship, you can just as easily take the road. It’s in fairly good condition.

Prem isn’t just a harbor town like any other — wherever you want to go, you’re sure to find a ship here, and three days waiting is the exception.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 09.02.25 | Просмотров: 165 | Отзывов: 0

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