

“Get lost, unless you want to be cut down!”

The door seems locked from the inside.

We always go to Orvil on market day.

There are rich hunting grounds about 10 [N] miles on the way towards Orvil.

On the road to Thoss, the traveler can find two good resting places, one after about 20 [N] miles, and the other after about 30. Near the second resting place, there is a lush meadow full of herbs.

There’s just one thing I’ve got to say to you. If you really need medical help, go to Tjanset. Master Moryan is the only chirurgeon near or far who really knows what he’s doing.

For any smithing that you need, your best bet is to get yourselves to Orvil and see Master Korbosch.

Starkad Swafnandsson’s shop in Orvil offers a real mix of curiosities.

Whether you’re going to Orvil, Thoss, or Tjanset, all the roads around here are in a fair condition.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 196 | Отзывов: 0

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