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“Weapons tend to break if they’re not cared for properly.”

“Weapons that cause higher damage are often more difficult to use.”

“Whether you choose an epee, a foil or a rapier; it’s mostly a matter of taste. There’s no difference in effect.”

“You can stab with a dagger or you can throw it.”

“Sometimes its better to choose a less potent weapon, so you can parry better. For instance, it is quite difficult to parry with an axe, and almost impossible with a morningstar.”

“A weapon is more effective if it has been especially forged for you.”

“Strong fighters do the most damage with blunt or edged striking weapons and axes.”

“The stronger you are, the more damage your weapon does. You just don’t notice it as readily with some types of weapon.”

“Everyone isn’t allowed to carry just any weapon. Most of the really deadly ones are reserved for graduates of a war academy.”

“For a decent parry against animals, you need a shield or a weapon with a long shaft, like a spear.”

“It’s best to choose a weapon you are trained to use. It’s stupid to choose a mace if you are much more proficient with stabbing weapons than with blunt striking weapons. The better damage potential of a weapon rarely makes up for clumsy use.”

“Axes often make it very hard to parry.”

“The barbarian war axe is the largest of them all.”

“You use a short sword just like a dagger.”

“Some swords are used like edged striking weapons.”

“The tuzakian is one of the finest and deadliest swords. Mind you, it is a two-handed weapon so you can’t carry a shield.”

“To take care of your weapon, you should use “Original werehome rapeseed oil, eslam’s fragrance-brand” and a soft wool cloth.”

“A warhammer is a tremendous weapon, but you have to hold on to it with both hands.”

“All spears and polearms are two-handed weapons. Some of them can be thrown, though.”

“The four-leaf loneberry is a potent healing herb. You can even eat the berries raw.”

“The four-leaf loneberry can be found almost anywhere and forms the base of many healing potions - just like whirlweed.”

“Whirlweed is more potent than loneberries, but it must be treated first!”

“Whirlweed is very common and can be used for healing potions.”

“Mandrake is an important part of all elixirs.”

“You can find a lot of mandrake roots on runin.”

“A good spot to look for mandrake is along the way from kravik to skelellen.”

“Belmart leaves are a potent antidote against various poisons.”

“You can occasionally find belmart by the road from rovamund to nordvest.”

“The slimy toadstool harbors a deadly poison!”

“When travelling from vilnhome to phexcaer, look for slimy toadstools.”

“You can find gulmond on the way from phexcaer to hermit’s lake.”

“There’s gulmond growing at the hjaldorval.”

“Gulmond is good for constitution and strength.”

“If you want to get your strength up, drink a tea from gulmond leaves.”

“Joruga prevents an attack of rabies.”

“The joruga root must be treated first, but then it is effective against rabies.”

“You can find joruga around thoss.”

“Somewhere nostria way there’s is said to be loads of joruga!”

“For a magic potion you definitely need kairan!”

“Kairan is one of the rarest herbs around. In this area it is found only at hermit’s lake.”

“It’s thonnys that allows elves their astral meditation, and its also used to turn life power into astral power. I think it works for druids and witches just the same.”

“It is said you can even find thonnys by the road from skelellen to phexcaer.”

“The shurin-bulb has a potent poison, but it is quite slow.”

“For a good expurgic, you need shurin-bulb.”

“Occasionally, there are shurin-bulbs to be found on the way from felsteyn to hermit’s lake.”

“Shurin-bulb is the basis for a lot of blade venoms.”

“Donf is a potent remedy for various illnesses.”

“You can find donf along the way from upper orcam to hermit’s lake.”

“Tarnele sees widespread use as a remedy, but is especially prominent on the gulf of prem’s east coast.”

“You should take tarneles in the evening.”

“Tarnele belongs in a lot of healing potions.”

“Don’t forget to regularly buy alchemistic ingredients.”

“To be able to brew potions, you should always carry a flask.”

“The most potent remedy for poisons and diseases is olgin root.”

“A paste from atmon flowers increases the physical capabilities.”

For a potent elixir, you need finage.”

“Finage has a positive effect on general weakness.”

“Ilmen leaves are a weak intoxicant.”

“A number of antidotes are made from the juice of the menchal cactus.”

The largest settlements in the area are thorwal, prem, upper orcam and that thieves’ den phexcaer.

You can get anything you need in thorwal.

There are boats leaving regularly to the isles of runin, hjalland and manrek.

If you want to make some money, get hired at the harbor.

Some routes are all but closed in winter.

There are routes of every quality, but the worse the route the slower the travel.

It is said there is a secret temple to him without a name around here somewhere.

It is said there is a temple in the area where they worship a spider idol.

There are thieves in the hjaldor mountains!

Overthorn is an important harbor.

If you cross the wilderness, you should always be ready for obstacles.

Wherever you are, someone - or worse: something - can accidentally cross your path.

You get information about herbs from a herb merchant.

You get information about weapons from an arms merchant.

Any temple is a safe house.

Praios is the god of law and anti-magical forces.

Rondra is the goddess of war.

Efferd is the unfathomable god of oceans and lakes.

Travia is the goddess of home and hearth.

Boron is the lord of death.

Hesinde is the goddess of knowledge and magic.

Firun is the god of winter and hunting.

Tsa is the goddess of life and new beginnings.

Phex is the secret god of thieves and merchants.

Peraine is the goddess of fertility and healing.

Ingerimm is the god of fire and patron of smiths.

Rahja is the goddess of sex and ecstasy.

Swafnir is the patron god of thorwalians.

There are many demigods. The most famous are swafnir, ifirn, and marbo.

The one without a name is the sworn enemy of the twelve gods.

Courage, agility and strength make for a good fighter.

A magician should have lots of wisdom, plus intuition and charisma - and some courage wouldn’t hurt either!

Life and astral points regenerate at night.

You can last longer if you rest regularly.

If you have no self control it is difficult to ignore the pain of your wounds. One blow may even be enough to send you to your knees.

Goblins can often cause the hero’s death. Never allow a foe to surround you!

Superstitious people are easy prey for sorcery!

Always make sure you’re fully supplied: ropes, torches, flintstone, and tools of all kinds should be found in the pack of a well-supplied adventurer!

Never start a fight with an angry rhino!

Karens are easy prey.

A stag is worthy of a true huntsman!

Auroxen can hide in the forest.

An angry boar is a dangerous opponent.

They say there are harpies in the hjaldor mountains.

A lot of black magicians keep the undead as bodyguards!

Goblins are yellow!

It is said there are still wyverns up here, even real dragons!

You can tell a wyvern a mile away by its stink!

There is hardly any remedy against rats or bats.

Orcish veterans are serious opponents.

You meet one ogre, fight it! You meet more than one, get out of there!

Oblins are quite weak, but they always come in crowds.

There are all sorts of fighters among orcs, same as with humans.

Daggers and epees are useless against skeletons.

Skeletons need to be clobbered with bashing weapons!

A lot of people don’t have the guts to fight undead.

Zombies can carry dangerous diseases.

Mummies can carry dangerous diseases.

Watch out for rabid animals!

Mummies are best dealt with using fire.

Wolves and wild dogs always hunt in packs.

You can get numbskull sooner than you think.

Numbskull can turn into blue cough fast!

Always heal your wounds after battle so you don’t get tetanus!

In winter you can get frostbite on your hands and feet if you’re not dressed properly!

A rabid dog attacks his mates!

Paralysis is a dangerous disease - only donf can save you!

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 158 | Отзывов: 0

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