

“What? You want an axe in your skull? Get out…”

The door is shut, but not locked.

We always visit the market at Clanegh.

There are some thieves loose around these parts. Their headquarters must be somewhere in the mountains, along the way to Felsteyn.

There’s a great place for a rest halfway to Clanegh.

Saldar Isleifsson is a good smith, but for special commissions it’s worth going to Upper Orcam, to see Rodar.

The best place for weapons is Morka’s in Upper Orcam. His shop leaves no wish unanswered. Mind you, that dwarf has some hefty prices.

Hama is reliable, you can’t complain about that. Really knows a thing or two about healing, that one.

Branda Bersisdottir has this small shop in Clanegh, where some rummaging really brings some rewards.

The road to Clanegh has traditionally been well kept by the inhabitants of both towns.

Hardly anybody passes through the Hjaldor Mountains these days because of the thieves.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 159 | Отзывов: 0

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