
~ Spider Cave

The floor gives way under your feet and you slide rapidly down a narrow tunnel…

What is as impenetrable as an iron wall and yet as transparent as glass?

In front of the wall you see the grotesque statue of a spider with a human head. From the spider’s back a number of horns protrude — this is clearly the image of some sort of demon. At the base of the statue the letters S, N, A, T, C, A and M form a heptagram.

Everything around you starts to spin, as you are teleported away.

A pit trap full of wicked looking spears opens in front of you. Carefully, you try to get across.

[NAME] stumbles, falls, and receives a number of vicious, bleeding wounds — in great pain [NAME] manages to climb out on the other side of the pit.

Who is the lord of all spiders?

A small, insignificant lever sticks out from the wall.
Do you pull it?

You can hear a soft clicking noise.

A ladder leads downward from here.
Do you

  • Climb down?
  • Stay here?

[NAME] tumbles head over heels into a pit full of acid and receives some ugly burns. It takes [NAME] quite some time to escape from this diabolical trap.

You stand before an altar covered with disgusting pictures of giant spiders.
Do you

  • Smash the altar to bits?
  • Place some crystals on it?

A deep humming fills the air and you feel as if the noise is almost penetrating into your brain. Without hesitation a ghostly form takes shape out of thin air: a giant spider demon attacks you!

You smash the sanctum of the spider worshipers.

Your skin crawls with revulsion as you see hundreds, nay, thousands of translucent eggs with small spiders moving inside them.
Do you

  • Burn the lot?
  • Investigate the cave some more first?

The nest of spiders dissolves beneath the crackling flames into thick, black smoke that seems to sear the inside of your lungs. In danger of suffocation it’s probably high time to get out of this cave.

A small gap in the wall seems to lead outside.
Do you want to leave the cave?

In this alcove you find a gruesome collection of bones from both small animals as well as large ones — even more revolting are the human skulls with every bit of meat cleaned off; apparently the left-overs of the spider’s meal.

Nothing happens. Looks to me like this chest won’t open.

All members of the party fall into the pit and onto the spears, receiving numerous life-threatening wounds. Having no way to escape from the trap, they will remain here until the next band of foolhardy adventurers comes along…

[NAME] falls into a pit trap full of spears.

It takes an hour of difficult travel before you have manage to gain safe ground where you can begin to take care of your wounds.

Come again later.

Exhausted you exit the spiders’ cave and leisurely continue on your way to [NAME], where you arrive some time later, tired but quite unharmed.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 191 | Отзывов: 0

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