

“I have not got the time for beggars like you.”

No one comes to answer the door.

We have to go by ship to Ljasdahl or Skjal, if we want to visit the market.

There is an inn about 20 miles along the road to that cursed place, Daspota. Unless the pirates took the place apart by now, you should be able to get a good night’s rest there.

Anyone crazy enough to go to Daspota can rest in a sheltered meadow about 20 miles from here.

There are two good spots for a camp along the road to Skjal, one about 20, and the other about 40 miles from here.

There’s good hunting about halfway to Skjal.

You can cross the mountains to Orvil, but apart from a single cabin about 20 miles from here, there’s hardly any place offering decent shelter. By the way, there’s a spring near that cabin.

Tevil Wallason’s shop’s not too bad. If you’re lucky you may even find some unusual things from time to time.

Ingram Ingramsson in Skjal is a fine smith — smith! He’s a veritable artist.

If you want to really live it up at night in Prem, you should take a room in the “Fortress” inn.

One Leg in Prem is the best herb-seller around.

You should look in on Alwine Ter Haas in Ljasdahl. She’s got the best shop I’ve ever seen.

If you’ve really caught it bad, go see Branda Sturmtrutz in Ljasdahl, she’ll get anyone on their feet again.

It’s quite easy going along the shore if you want to go to Skjal, but I prefer going by ship. There’s one leaving for Skjal about once every two days anyway.

Someone or other has to go to Ljasdahl almost every day. You’ll always find a ship for that.

You can get from Ottarje to Orvil across the Hjaldor range, but it won’t be easy going across that narrow mountain pass.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get a ship to Prem or Runinshaven, maybe even to Varnhome.

If you want to go to Varnhome, you better go to Ljasdahl first. You’ll have no trouble finding a ship from there.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 155 | Отзывов: 0

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