

“Get lost, you stinking beggars!”

The heavy door is bolted.

We go to Thorwal if we want to go to market.

There’s a reasonable inn called “Gulf View” halfway along the road to Varnhome.

If you are looking for a really good smith, the Salzeran is the best you’ll find near and far.

You know, a well-stocked shop has its uses — if you need something out of the ordinary, you’ll find it at Fjolnir’s in Thorwal.

If you’re interested in weapons, I can recommend the dwarf Gumbladsson in Thorwal.

Perainidan Bulker in Thorwal, now. That guy knows his business. He’ll patch up anybody.

If you’ve caught it bad, go see Branda Sturmtrutz in Ljasdahl, she gets anybody up and running.

If you’re interested in something specific, ask at Eliane Windenbek’s in Varnhome. She’s a scholar and can tell you about everything.

For some nice storytelling you should go see Asgrimm Thurboldsson in Breida. He’ll tell you the best sailor’s yarn you could want — he even claims his grandfather went on an expedition to the Orcish Lands.

The merchant’s road from Thorwal to Varnhome goes through here, so both towns are well in reach.

If you’re lucky you may catch a ship without much waiting, but most of the ships don’t go further than Thorwal or Varnhome.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 156 | Отзывов: 0

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