

From the dark interior of the home’s inner sanctum an elderly woman appears with wide eyes, staring at you.
“Arkania is in danger, don’t you know? Don’t you agree it’s time to do something against it? Go for it and don’t you dare show yer faces here again until the danger has passed!”

“Have you heard the latest news?” the man who opened the door asks anxiously.
“The orcs are said to have taken Phexcaer…”
“Give me a break” one of you answers, “The orcs may be preparing for battle but none of them would dare to show his tusks in Phexcaer!”
“Hope you’re right!” the man says reluctantly closing the door.

“Uuuuh…” a fat man grunts as he opens to your knocks. “Whoozzat?” a raunchy female voice from the house calls.
“The search party, aren’t you?” the man utters, eyeing you suspiciously. “You must be looking for the fabulous Blade of Destiny, aren’t you? Good luck!”
Then he shuts the door quite ungently.

A woman with a scarf covering most of her face jumps out of the shadows at you in a freakish frenzy. “Be careful on your journeys. Orcs have been sighted not far from here. The people rumor that there is an army of them out there, ready to lay waste whole Arkania. Take care…” she says and then slowly closes the door.

“After all that I’ve heard, life isn’t all too safe these days. Luckily you guys don’t look orcish to me.” a tall man mentions with a grin as he opens to your knocks. “Let’s just hope that the Hetman finds some fearless heroes to put them in their place. Why don’t you take on that job?”

Slowly the door opens just a crack and a pair of eyes become visible. A weak voice asks “Who are you?”
“Adventurers” one of you replies.
“Then go do your job and help us stay alive. Go on, find the sword and defeat the leader of the orcish pack!”
The door slams shut.

“Don’t bother me.” a woman says when she sees you in the doorway.
“There are plenty of wild orcs you can toy around with but keep your hands off me!”

“Please don’t get me wrong, but don’t you think there are more urgent matters out there for you to handle? My cousin told me that a travelling merchant told him what his mother-in-law told him. He said that the orcs have already killed a group of heroes who have been seeking Hyggelik’s Blade of Destiny.”

A man in a long robe appears in the door.
“You want me to tell you the secret resting place of the Blade of Destiny, right? You are wise to do so because only can I tell you where it is. The blade is deep inside your hearts…”.

“Show me yer teeth!” a woman straight forwardly orders. “…no tusks, no orcs, ’kay. What’s it ya want? Aah anyway, you’d better go protect our country and us people against those marauding orcs! Go!”

“Have no fear!” a man with a soft voice says. “I’ve heard the Hetman has at last found a group of heroes who dare to take on the orcs. They should take on their leader one on one, if you ask me. If he goes down, they’ll all go down alright, cowardly vermin that they are!”

“Get away from here while you still can!” a woman with tears in her eyes warns you.
“My son found an orcish trace in the woods this morning. They are near, very near!” she hisses and closes the door.

“You heroes are strong enough to find and use the legendary sword. You should at least try to save human civilization by going against the orcs. Go, talk to Hetman Tronde in Thorwal. He’ll be happy to hear that you’ve got the guts to handle this problem.”

“You looking for Grimring?” a man in a silken robe asks.
“I’ve heard someone say that Hyggelik had a map defining the location where it can be found!”

“My grandma always said: never trust an orc, boy.” A young man says when he opens the door.
“I fear she was right, as for the Blade of Destiny, well, I say it won’t help us too much, but at least its a chance…” he shuts the door while still speaking.

“The heirs of the surviving Hyggelik expedition members are rumored to own a map to the legendary sword. If only someone would find it and show the orcs that humans are the superior race!” a woman moans.

“If something’s to stop the orcs it definitely is Hyggelik’s sword.” a man mumbles to himself and while turning back to his business he adds “…And if only someone could find it.”

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 165 | Отзывов: 0

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