

“You get out, now!”

The door is locked.

There is a market in Skelellen on every third Windsday of the month.

Not far from here along the path to Kravik you can find a lot of rare herbs.

Anyone who knows his way around the wilderness can get to Phexcaer within the week. There’s even a temple to Firun somewhere up in the woods.

There’s good hunting about a day’s march towards Phexcaer, only problem’s that the path disappears into the woods.

There are lush herbal meadows in the Stony Oak Forest, about three days’ marching from here towards Phexcaer — it’s tough going, but it’s worth it.

Rondriane of Seitz is what I say if you ask me for a good smith.

You probably know the path to Kravik, but did you know you can reach Phexcaer from Skelellen within the week? The path’s okay for some long stretches, but for part of the way, you have to hack your way through the brush.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 158 | Отзывов: 0

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