
~ Wolf’s Lair

A skeleton with bits of cloth still draped over its bones is propped against the wall. Given its size, it might have been a goblin, but there’s no sure way to tell.

You notice a small crack in the right cave wall.
Do you

  • Ignore the old crack?
  • Stick your hand in?

[NAME] is bitten by a rat, but manages to grab hold of an amulet before jumping back in pain and surprise.

That’s all you can hope for here.

There’s a silver helmet here.
Do you want to take it?

You notice that a number of (ahem) reasonably fresh bodies have been dragged into an grisly pile in one corner of the cavern… the wolves’ larder, I guess.

The cave ceiling in this spot looks weak and unstable, almost like it could collapse any moment.

[NAME] bumps into a large rock ledge…
And enormous stones, dust and rock shards start raining down.

You notice a skeletal hand, contorted in a claw-like grasp, protruding from under a mound of fallen rock — from the shape of the bony stubs it might have been an orc or goblin.

You see smears of blood leading into the western cave. Whatever was dragged along here must have been of a decent size to leave such a clear trail.

There is a large pile of dung and bits of refuse sitting here and you can almost see the odor surrounding it.
Do you want to examine the stinking mess?



You find an old, but still functional, lantern in the corner.
Do you want to take it along?

A crevasse in the wall, wide enough to crawl into, leads down into darkness. Casting your light into the cleft you look down to see that the opening extends far below what your light can reach. Exploring further could prove deadly.
Do you feel lucky enough to try anyway?

Beneath [NAME]’s feet a piece of rock gives way and clatters noisily into the darkness. You are able to catch hold of [NAME] just before [NAME] slips out of reach.

Under [NAME]’s feet a piece of rock suddenly gives way and clatters into the darkness. [NAME] plunges after it with a heart rending scream… It seems to take forever until you hear a hollow thump. Your increasingly desperate inquiries remain unanswered. I think we can safely assume that [NAME] has shuffled off this mortal coil.

At the end of the hallway lies the contorted body of an elf. There are a number of broken arrows plugged into ground in front of him, but given the emaciated condition of the body the actual cause of death seems to have been starvation.

[NAME] is bitten by a rat.

The skeleton is carrying:

Buried under the bodies, you can just make out the following:

The elf still has his equipment.

[NAME] is bitten by a rat!

Tired and weary you leave the confines of the wolves’ lair and continue at a leisurely pace to [NAME], where you arrive some time later quite unharmed.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 161 | Отзывов: 0

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