

“We gave… I’m not interested in what you’re selling.”

This building seems to be empty.

If we want to go to market, we go to Overthorn or Liskor, and occasionally to Orvil.

The Tuzakian in Liskor stocks about every weapon that can be had in Arkania.

We don’t have to leave town to go shopping. Havena-Hobart offers just about everything.

Tjanset has quite a lot to offer. For example, people come from far away to see Master Moryan. Of course, he’s the best chirurgeon.

Good Hyggelik in Overthorn will turn ploughs into swords, if he has too. He really knows his business.

There’s a Tulamidian in Overthorn, Kherim al Sharammi, who stocks the very best in weapons. You should take a look there, if you ever need one.

I can recommend Fat Alfhild’s in Vidsand. That’s one great shop, I tell you!

If you want to go to Liskor, there’s a ship there once every three days usually. But if not, you can always go along the shore.

The road to Ala has seen better days.

If you want to go to Thoss, you should go via Liskor. The road is shorter and better than the one via Ala.

Normally, there’s a ship leaving Tjanset for Overthorn every other day, and to Vidsand just as often.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 171 | Отзывов: 0

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