

“What do you want here?… Push off!”

The door is firmly locked.

There’s a market every second and fourth Swafnirsday of the month.

It’s hardly worth the walk to Rovamund, but not far from Merske you can find some rare herbs in a forest along the way.

There is a sheltered place halfway to Rovamund that’s perfect for a night’s rest.

There are good hunting grounds about 15 miles from Rovamund — most travelers rest at a spring not far from there.

Should you need a decent smith, I can recommend Gurthag in Thorwal.

If you need a really good smith, go to Gunn Beornsson in Thorwal, he’s the best in these parts.

Talk about a well-stocked shop — if you need something out of the ordinary, you should go to the shop owned by Stoerrebrandt by marriage in Thorwal.

You should go see Rorben of Salza’s in Efferdûn. You can find the odd rarity or two in his shop.

Interested in weapons, are you? I can recommend this dwarf, Gumbladsson, in Thorwal.

Perainidan Bulker in Thorwal knows his trade, he’ll patch up anybody.

The “Salzeran Court” in Efferdûn remains the best inn around.

If you’re interested in something in particular, go ask Eliane Windenbek in Varnhome. That scholar knows something about everything.

If you’re looking for a good story, see Asgrimm Thurboldsson in Breida, he tells the best sailor’s yarn in these parts — he even claims his grandfather was part of an expedition into the Orcish Lands.

The dirt path to Rovamund makes a good short cut, but it is anything but comfortable travelling along there.

Along the broad merchant’s road you can reach Efferdûn in the south and Serske in the north. Of course, the road goes on to the bank of the Bodir, where you can catch a ferry over to Thorwal.

There are ships leaving for Thorwal, Serske or Efferdûn every once in a while.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 162 | Отзывов: 0

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