
~ Orc Cave

A collection of some dirty blankets and straw have been put to use as what can only be a very primitive bed.
Do you want to search it?

Nothing to be found!

[NAME] finds [NAME]

[N] bits

Above a fireplace hangs a cauldron filled with something quite unidentifiable.
Do you want to try that orc slop?

Uaghhh, your stomach rolls rebelliously, making you question the intelligence of sampling the horrendous brew. One thing to say for it, though, is that you’re no longer even remotely hungry.

You come upon a heap of sculpted wood and a few thousand iron parts, obviously intended to be made into a giant catapult.
Do you want to destroy the orcish ballista?

Your powerful blows smash the wood to bits. There, it’s fit for nothing but kindling now.

In the corner of the room you see dozens of bundles of oil-soaked rope, obviously intended for some nefarious purpose.
How about putting those orcish objects to the torch?

Fire leaps from the flammable bundles and thick smoke billows up in clouds. Your breathing becomes labored as the fumes fill the room.

Suddenly two iron jaws snap shut, barely missing [NAME]’s hand. Good thing too, since the force would likely have severed [NAME] hand right off!

An orcish latrine — pheeeuw, what a stink!

There’s a lever on the wall.
Do you

  • Ignore it?
  • Pull it down very fast?
  • Pull it and hold on to it?

The lever snaps back up right away.

Who’s going to hold the lever?

[NAME] has trouble keeping the lever down.

A gaping pit, studded with sharp metal spears, opens up before you.

[NAME] slips, falls and suffers a number of ugly, bleeding wounds — advancing gingerly, [NAME] manages to climb out on the other side of the pit.

You are standing in front of a crude wooden statue of some orcish idol. [NAME].

You don’t recall ever seeing it before.

Obviously Brazoragh, the god of war.

Obviously Tairach, lord of the beyond.

From inside the chest you hear a monotone voice ask a riddle in the orcish tongue.

“Who is the lord of death, master of blood and of revenge?” a voice intones from inside the chest.

You find 853 silver crowns inside the chest.

On closer examination, [NAME] finds a secret door in the wall.

With a soft click the door swings open.

However, [NAME] cannot get the door to open for you.

The chest contains 40 rations which you immediately add to your supplies.

Exhausted and weary, you take leave of this foul orcish lair. Slowly you move onward to [NAME], which was the goal of your journey after all.

In the chest you find:

You come upon 289 silver crowns, which you pocket immediately!

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 157 | Отзывов: 0

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