

“No begging allowed!”

Nobody seems to be at home.

We usually go to the market in Manrin.

There’s a path to Manrin. If you put some effort in it, you might manage to cross the island in a day. If not, you can always try to find shelter at Firungor’s cabin.

Tell you what: if you’ve really caught it bad, go to Tjanset. Master Moryan is the only chirurgeon far and wide who really knows what he’s doing.

Good Hyggelik in Overthorn will turn ploughs into swords, if he must. He really knows his business.

That Tulamidian in Overthorn, Kherim al Sharammi, only stocks the best. If you need a weapon, you couldn’t do better than to take a look there.

There are two good smiths in Manrin, Aki Berasson and Eldgrimm Tevilsson. There’s no competition, they both charge exactly the same.

You can do a good day’s shopping in Manrin - Hjore Ahrensson’s shop is a real treasure trove.

From Brendhil you can go to Manrin or to Overthorn by ship. There’s one leaving in both directions about once every two days.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 192 | Отзывов: 0

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