The corridor in front of you has collapsed.
Do you want to clear a way? This could be a lot of work!
It takes an entire day of back-breaking work before the corridor becomes passable!
There are words carved carefully into the wall.
“Do Ingerimm’s work to protect that of the builder.”
Below that stands the statue of a man lifting a hammer.
Do you examine the statue closer?
The right arm of the statue can be moved.
Do you
- Raise the arm?
- Lower the arm?
- Place a gold coin under the hammer?
On moving the arm, you hear a soft click.
As the hammer strikes the coin you see disappear, making a soft clinking noise as it lands inside the statue.
Suddenly, the floor gives way beneath you. As you scramble to gain safe ground, you just manage to catch a glimpse of someone falling through the opening!
You are startled to see that the cot in front of you is occupied by a dwarf. As he notices your entry he leaps to his feet and grabs his axe in one smooth motion.
Suddenly, [NAME] is hit a crossbow bolt!
Rising imposingly out of the rock before you is a statue of Ingerimm, main god of the dwarves. As you approach, the statue’s eyes begin to glow and a voice can be heard:
“Those who sacrifice to me shall be rewarded!”
A thunderous voice speaks out:
“Know ye that my people are unable to swim, yet still use water. But there is a way to escape the watery death by remembering my deeds.”
You notice an unusual hole in the wall in front of you.
Do you put a hand in?
It is noticeably damp inside.
There is water seeping, no pouring, in from somewhere and the water level is rising fast.
It occurs to you that this will soon become very dangerous. Nervously, you look up to see the ceiling of the chamber and wonder how long it will take for the chamber to become completely flooded!
True to your fears, the water has flooded the chamber leaving only a tiny pocket of air. You continue to paddle helplessly, and as your breathing becomes difficult you realize you are consuming the last of the air. One by one your companions cease their thrashing and you know it’s only a matter of seconds before you too will be offering your greetings to Boron.
This wall appears to be less weathered than the others and may have been a more recent addition to this chamber. It also seems to be less solidly constructed and you don’t waste any time acting on your hunch. You immediately begin to heave your weight against it in an attempt to smash it down, and after a short while it collapses. You have uncovered a drain and the way out into another corridor.
The water is up to your necks, as [NAME] suddenly calls out
“Here!… this wall… it’s thinner…”
Immediately, you begin to smash the wall down. It collapses, providing both a drain for the still rising water and a way out into another hallway.
You feel a jolt…
There is a small pit filled with spears before you.
Do you want to jump across?
[NAME] collided with an invisible but seemingly immovable barrier above the pit and fell in. Fortunately, [NAME]’s injuries are not as bad as you all feared. You can pull [NAME] back out without any difficulties.
You have absolutely no problems jumping across the pit trap.
Spears shoot out of the floor right in front of you and before you can dodge out of the way you receive several nasty wounds.
There are some holes in the floor here which look somewhat suspicious.
Do you want to examine them?
[NAME] was directly hit by the spears which shoot without warning from the floor!
[NAME] has managed to disarm an ingenious spear trap.
10 AP for [NAME]!
[NAME] collided with something invisible above the pit and fell in. He could feel some slight movement but nothing else happens. Fortunately, [NAME]’s injuries are not as bad as you all feared. You can pull [NAME] back out without any difficulties.
“Guess I have to give it just one more try!” [NAME] utters when he gets to his feet.
As [NAME] collides with the barrier it shatters to pieces. The whole thing was only a picture! Too bad you couldn’t have detected that in advance.