
Upper Orcam

“No entry for you cutthroats!”

The door stays shut to your loud knocking.

There is a daily market in Upper Orcam.

There is a rumor about some crazy dwarves who have blocked the entry to the mines.

There’s a small forest off the road about halfway to Felsteyn. You can do a good day’s hunting there, and it’s a great place for a rest.

There’s a path to Hermit’s Lake on the other side of the river. Not too far from here, it passes through a small forest where you’re likely to find a lot of fresh herbs.

Should you ever get to Vilnhome, visit the “Orc Skull” — now there’s a tavern for you.

Argo, son of Almar, in Vilmhome is an address I can give you without fear — the smith asks a lot of money, but he delivers good quality work for it.

There are people who walk all the way to Vilnhome to see Argo, even though we’ve got the best smith around right here — Rodar.

Some crazy dwarves are blocking the entry to the mines in a cellar somewhere.

The best inn in town? Definitely the “Happy Prospector”.

If you’re looking for weapons, you won’t have to go far. We’ve got a very well stocked shop right here in town. Mind you, Morka’s not cheap.

“Ingerimm’s Forge”, is all I say. There’s no better tavern in Upper Orcam.

Tardosch’s shop is real treasure trove.

There’s a dirt path to Hermit’s Lake across the Feldir.

The road to Felsteyn is a disgrace compared to the merchant’s road to Thorwal.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 160 | Отзывов: 0

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