

“You might not be orcs, but you’re not welcome here!”

The door is bolted from the inside.

We have a market here in Clanegh on every Marketday.

There’s a fine spot for a rest halfway to Orkanger.

A bit out of the way, but not quite 20 [N] miles from here on the way to Tyldon, is a nice resting place.

Hama Halyra in Orkanger is very reliable, gives you no cause to complain. Really knows a thing or two about healing.

Brabda Bersisdottir has a little shop in town that really rewards those willing to rummage about.

There’s a well stocked shop in Liskor. Just drop in on Brand Bilderstecher sometime.

That Tuzakian in Liskor stocks just about any weapon that’s made in Arkania.

Listen: if you ever catch it real bad, go to Tjanset. Master Moryan there is the only chirurgeon near or far who really knows his business.

The “Grand ol’ inn” in Tyldon is really a great inn.

The road to Orkanger has always been kept up to par by the inhabitants of both towns.

The next settlement to the north is Tyldon. You can usually get there within the day.

There’s a manageable way to Liskor - after all, some carts do have to go there occasionally.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 192 | Отзывов: 0

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