[NAME] opens up before you. [NAME] considers it a fine place to rest a while and go look for some herbs. [NAME]
Do you
- Take a rest and look for herbs?
- Continue onward and just keep this place in mind?
[A swampy bank of a stream | A forest clearing | A lush meadow | A mysterious looking place | A sheltered valley]
You see [NAME] by the road. It seems ideal for a rest. [NAME]
Do you end the day’s journeying here?
- Yes, we’ll rest.
- No, we’ll go on a while.
[A sheltered space | An inviting clearing | An abandoned fireplace | Some moss covered, fallen tree trunks | A rock precipice]
In the distance you notice a small stream.
Do you want to go and look for food?
The forest you are traveling through seems to offer a lot of game. Do you want to hunt?
This area seems to be full of hunting opportunities.
Do you want to try and hunt something?
You know, you could probably fill up your bread sacks and water skins here.
Do you want to rest for a while and look for food?
A lot of animal tracks on the damp ground signal a watering hole nearby.
Do you want to stop here and try your hand at hunting?
- Yes, we’ll end our journey for the day.
- No, we’ll continue onward.
In the distance, you see a building. A sign above the door identifies it as an inn.
Do you want to end the day’s journey and stay there?
In the distance you can see a mountain hut.
Do you want to end the day’s journey and stay there?
[NAME] calls for you to stop. There is a faint trail on the ground.
Do you
- Examine the trail closer?
- Ignore the trail?
You are standing on the bank of the [NAME]. A none too trustworthy ferry is waiting for customers. The ferryman is quite gruff. “You want to go across? That’s [N] bits per head if you wait for the ferry to fill up. Otherwise you have to pay [N] bits. What’ll it be?
- We’re in a hurry. Get a move on!
- We’ll wait for your boat to fill up
- Thanks anyway, but we’ll find another way across.
You wait [N] hours until enough paying customers have gathered. After a short journey across you reach the opposite bank.
Do you really want to turn back?
You are standing on the bank of the [NAME]. There is a ford here.
Do you
- Cross at the ford?
- Turn back and look for a better way across?
[NAME] takes an early bath!
[NAME] reaches the opposite bank safely.
Do you really want to turn back?
[Gulf view | Ferry station]
Also, this seems a good place for hunting.
[Old-Nostria | At the Ingval]
You might be able to gather some herbs here.
Looks like a fine place for a camp.
Eagle rock
Jurge Thorfinsson lives in Breida
Hjore Ahrensson lives in Ottarje
Yasma Thinmarsdotter lives in Thoss
Umbrik Sevenstones lives in Orvil
Isleif Olgardsson lives in Felsteyn
Ragna Firunjasdotter lives in Vidsand
Beorn Hjallasson lives in Angbodirtal
Asgrimm Thurboldsson lives in Breida
Eliane Windenbek lives in Varnhome
Olvir Gundridsson lives wherever he finds a bed
Swafnild Egilsdotter does not live on land
Trebeorn Kollberg lives in a colourful caravan
Algrid Trondesdotter lives in Hjalsingor
Thomar Swafnildsson lives in Brendhil