

“Beat it, you stinking beggars!”

There’s a bolt across the door.

There is a market at Auplog every second and fourth Windday.

There are two spots on the road to Vilnhome that are excellent for a rest. You can always reach one of them before dusk, even if you don’t leave town till the afternoon.

About one day of straight marching from here is a meadow off the road to Varnhome that’s an excellent spot for a rest.

There are fine hunting grounds just off the path to Varnhome. Not far from here and close to the road there’s supposed to be a sheltered resting place as well.

You can count on “Ole” in Angbodirtal. He’s the best healer far and wide.

If you’re just passing through, the “Glockenspiel” is the best inn you’ll find in Vilnhome.

If you ever get to Vilnhome, visit the “Orc skull” - that’s one good tavern.

I can recommend Argo, son of Almar, in Vilnhome without hesitation - he demands a good price, but he only delivers quality work.

In Thure Gudasson’s shop in Vilnhome you’ll find things hard to get anywhere else.

The best place to buy weapons is Morka’s in Upper Orcam. His stock leaves no wish unanswered. Mind you, that dwarf demands a lot of money.

You really can’t complain about the merchant’s road. You can reach Vilnhome or Angbodirtal within a day.

Of course, the way to Varnhome isn’t anything as comfortable as the merchant’s road.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 169 | Отзывов: 0

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