“Strangers again! Away with you!”
The owner of this house has locked the door.
There’s a weekly market on Rohalsday in Rovamund.
About 10 miles up Nordvest way, there’s a meadow not far from the river path where a lot of herbs grow.
For travelers who can’t reach Nordvest by nightfall, the “Ingvalside” inn is a good place to stay.
About 20 miles up the Roval, there’s a dirt track to the Kravik—Skelellen road on the other side of the river. Mind you, you’d have to swim across, and the path isn’t all that great either.
There’s a sheltered spot halfway to Merske that’s quite well suited for a camp.
There is good hunting and fresh water about 15 miles towards Merske.
Rondriane of Seitz in Nordvest — is my recommendation if you’re looking for a smith.
There’s a dirt track to Merske from Rovamund.
There’s no reason to complain about the roads to Nordvest and Peilinen.