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The old fortress

You see a small, unadorned shrine to phex in the corner of the alcove. Although not elaborate in appearance it seems that visitors are generous with their offerings. A quick glance reveals almost 20 [N] ducats in a collection bowl at its base.
do you want to plunder the shrine?

I have serious doubts about plundering a holy shrine, but you’re the boss…
the shrine contains 21 [N] ducats and 11 [N] silver crowns.

You have quite clearly tripped an alarm…

Judging from the rations lining the shelves this must be the pantry.

It seems that you have wandered into some kind of supply room. Strange that such a collection of items would be left so unguarded.

A device has been set up here to collect, heat and channel rain water into two large tubs. In the corner you spot what must be some kind of primitive latrine. This is obviously a bathroom although you have to wonder whether anyone would actually dare to use this archaic equipment.

On closer inspection, [NAME] notices a secret door in the wall.

with a bit of effort, [NAME] even manages to open it.

unfortunately, [NAME] is unable to open it.

With an ominous clanging sound,the door slams shut behind you.

From small holes in the ceiling a yellowish mist descends upon you.

A plump hare is turning on a spit over the fire and the appetizing aroma of roasting meat fills the room.

A ragged hole has been cut into the floor leading to a shaft with iron steps.
do you want to climb down?

About twelve paces down you reach a small cave which opens out to the sea. Footprints on the sandy ground prove its in constant use, most likely by pirates or smugglers.
but since nobody is here right now, you leave the cave and climb back up the steps.

Above the fireplace hangs a large cauldron filled with soup.

This seems to be the place the thieves have chosen to stash their ill-gotten goods. Crates and boxes, bales of fabric, sacks and chests… the volume makes you believe their plundering has been going on for quite sometime. Nothing in particular catches your eye - and what might be worth a ducat or two is beyond your ability to carry.

Knowing that there must be something of value here you look around some more and finally stumble upon some polearms standing in a barrel.

This part of the corridor doesn’t seem to get much traffic at all.

The door in front of you is barred with heavy timbers and strange protective runes cover the floor and walls. Demonic faces in the alcoves stare out at you and you wonder if they have been placed there to ward off a greater evil, or if they are merely there to deter intruders. In either case you know you have smoked out the thieves, which means your work here is done. Dramosch will be pleased with you.

You just catch yourself from stumbling into the depths of a bottomless pit disappearing into darkness… drifting up from down below you can barely detect a strange gurgling sound.

At the foot of the eastern wall is a hole about 4 [N] spans in diameter. Behind it, a shaft descends quite steeply, though not vertically, down into the stygian darkness.
do you want to climb down?

For a secure climb you would need a rope of at least 50 [N] paces.
will you

Climb down unsecured?

Go look for a rope?

Secure yourselves?

[NAME] slips and falls. But thanks to the rope you can catch [NAME] and continue downwards.

[NAME] slips on a slimy section of the wall and falls screaming into the darkness!

In this alcove you see 4 [N] torches lying about.
do you want to take them?

Shadowy scenes form from a fine mist in the air in the front of you.
as you watch you realize that you are witnessing a massive battle. Thorwalians storm up the hallway towards uniformed men in the empire’s colors, who are doing their level best to stop them. Suddenly a purple haze drifts over the scene. Attackers and defenders alike begin gasping for breath and collapse with a look of utter panic in their eyes. Darkness descends…

You notice a spear partially hidden in this nook.
do you want to take it?

The corridor has collapsed. But in the light of the torches you can see that it extends further beyond the obstruction.
will you try to clear the corridor?

It’s not long before you realize that you’d need some heavy equipment to remove the piles of debris. You decide that you’ll have to admit defeat this time.

You find the skeleton of a thorwalian judging by the weapons and belt buckle that surround the remains. The broken blade of a sword sticks out from between its ribs and a skraja with a splintered handle is clutched in its bony fist.

As you enter this room you have to stop and stare at the remains of the many warriors lying about in complete chaos. Whatever the reason for the major battle which took place here, it is quite clear that the defenders guarded the room to their dying breath. There is nothing even remotely interesting to find among the jumble of decaying bones.

A steep shaft goes up from here, further than the light of your torches can reach. It looks as if you might be able to climb down from wherever it goes, but not up!

Suddenly flames shoot up from the floor all around you! You jump back immediately! Who would have thought a trap like that could still be working…

You can’t put your finger on it but the aura of this room suggests that it could be someone’s secret hideout. You spot an elaborate chest partially concealed in the corner across the room.

A large portion of the ceiling has collapsed scattering debris about the area. A closer inspection reveals that the weight of the wreckage had caused the floor to give way as well and the corridor below was flooded though. The gap is large enough that you might be able to slip through and swim along under the obstacle.
want to give it a try?

Who’ll go first?

[NAME] runs out of breath along the way and barely makes it back alive!

Gasping and coughing, [NAME] reaches the other side. Along the rope [NAME] has dragged along, you can follow somewhat easier.

[NAME] runs out of breath along the way and returns!
the second attempt is more successful. Coughing, [NAME] climbs out of the water.

Gasping and coughing, [NAME] reaches the other side.

Down the alcove you can see the putrid remains of a dwarven corpse. Using any of his equipment is out of the question - even his chain mail is starting to decay. But despite of all the deterioration, you can’t help noticing the expression of utmost terror on what is left of his face…

The corridor has collapsed. There is no way you can go any further.

There is a pick resting in a recess in the wall.
do you want to take it?

The corridor has collapsed here. There is no possible way you could go on, especially with water up to your knees already.

You stand in a room filled with brackish water reaching up to your waist. There is a distinctly unpleasant odor emanating from the luminous sponges that are coating the walls and ceiling.

Something slimy has gripped [NAME]’s foot! You hack and stab with a panicked frenzy into the water until all movement has stopped. In the light of your torches you can see where a number of suckers had latched on to [NAME]’s trousers.
that was close…

There is a ring on the floor.
do you want to take it?

A wisp of wind brushes across your brow bringing a welcomed breath of fresh air. Looking up to the source of the breeze you discover a small crack in the ceiling above you… barely noticeable
do you want to enlarge the crack and try to leave this dank cave?

It takes some time, but finally you make it. You pull yourselves up and find yourselves in an apparently abandoned cellar.

Suddenly you hear a noise from the door - before you can react, you are blinded by the harsh light of a lantern!

“’allo, what ‘ave we ‘ere then? Cave gnomes, is it? My name is gurthag, son of gardosch. Come on out of there, let’s ‘ave a look at ye!”

During the next few hours you enjoy several pints of dwarvish ale and the atmosphere becomes more and more relaxed. Gurthag happens to know master dramosch, so at least you won’t have to deal with the city guard for breaking and entering. Afterwards, the friendly dwarf leads you out into the streets of thorwal.

This looks like it could be a former hideout. At least, the cots and weapon racks would seem to suggest it. Before you can continue that line of thought though, three skeletons appear from the shadows and attack!

There is an orc hook on the floor.
do you want to take it?

This looks like one of the old supply cellars. Chests, barrels, and shelves on the walls bear witness to a well organized operation. Glancing about it appears that everything has been removed quite efficiently already.

A hallway leads into a thick and unwelcoming darkness. From the room in front of you can be heard the faint cries of tortured souls.
do you really want to go any further?

That certainly seems prudent to me, too.

Unfortunately, the chest is secured with a bear trap! [NAME] has been injured!

You find a lot of weapons in the chest.

[NAME] drowns trying to clear the passage.

Also, you find a map of this cave level.

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 168 | Отзывов: 0

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