Unfortunately, [NAME] is carrying no weapons!
Which weapon should [NAME] take up instead of [NAME]?
Are you mad?
i won’t commit suicide!
This spell cannot be cast at empty squares.
This spell cannot be cast at heroes.
This spell cannot be cast at monsters.
[NAME] is paralyzed!
There are no arrows in [NAME]’s left hand.
There are no bolts in [NAME]’s left hand.
There are no stones in [NAME]’s left hand.
The death-head belt loses its effect and disappears!
Dest.: %d mp
Dest.: flee
Which of these items do you wish to take?
Also, you have won [NAME].
Exchange item
[NAME] doesn’t have enough movement points left in this round.
What do want to do?
you have %d mp left.
Cast spell
Use item
Change weapon
Check values
Repeat options
No valid target!
No need to waste any more strength here.
Dest.: blocked
Which item should [NAME] take up instead of [NAME]?
Dest.: too far
Every active member of your party gains %ld [N] experience point[NAME].
Computer fight
Do you want to flee?
A poisonous mist covers the target square!
Please open your manual to
page %d
and enter the word that appears in
line %d,
word %d.
What is the name of the town
[NAME] of [NAME]
(see the four color map that came with your gameon coordinates [NAME])?
To the north
To the east
To the south
To the west
Target is not longer valid!
Drop item
Drop which item
Dest.: no way
Destination square is blocked
Destination square cannot be reached
Quit and reload
Really quit and reload?
Do you want to use magic in this fight?
[NAME] fumbles attack
[NAME] fumbles parry
Attack parried
Weapon broken
[NAME] faints
[NAME] hits [NAME]
Which weapon should [NAME] take up?