
Vendor: Herbalist

“Peraine bless you, my friends. How can I be of service?”

“Welcome to my humble abode. What is your wish?”

After you’ve been waiting at the counter for some time, examining the various jars and vials with interest, the herbalist enters the room. “Ah, customers. Are you looking for something in particular?”

“The twelve be with you, honored travelers. What is your need?”

“We need somebody, and you seem to fit the bill.”

“Have you got a sideline on vegetables?”

“You’ve got any useable herbs among those weeds?”

“Your wife and daughters, what else?”

“Pretty colorful, your stuff. Does it work?”

“Useful herbs, not spices.”

“Not the junk you foist off on idiots.”

“Useful herbs, but not at the usual high-prices.”

“Hello there. We need some herbs.”

“We’d like something from this exquisite merchandise.”

“Something from your magnificent display here.”

“We’d certainly recommend your shop anywhere.”

“What was that? I must have misheard you?!”

“Did the god without a name eat your brains?”

“The sun must have baked your mind solid!”

“Are you looking for trouble?”

“How dare you! I have only the finest wares!”

“I have always sold good wares for a fair price!”

“My herbs and tinctures are above suspicion!”

“Everything I sell, I have gathered and prepared myself!”

“You couldn’t have picked a better place to shop than this!”

“I’m glad you came to me. My reputation does travel far and wide, it’s true.”

“You have reached the best address for herbs and tinctures. My shop is famous throughout the land.”

“Welcome, once again, to one of the finest herbalists in all of Thorwal!”

“Is that talking donkey trying to insult us?”

“Gramps here seems to be a real genius!”

“Granddad seems to be afraid. Look at him shaking!”

“Dear me, you think he’s always that fast?”

“Do you think we are trying to make you angry?”

“Maybe our travels did take a toll.”

“Well, we’ve always been a bit rude.”

“You poor fellow, where’s your sense of humor?”

“Forgive us, we didn’t intend to insult you.”

“Forgive us, we are tired and tend to lash out.”

“We were just joking, please forgive us!”

“We didn’t intend any harm, please forgive us!”

“First class wares for a dump like this maybe.”

“Fair prices by your definition maybe.”

“It’s certainly not above our suspicion!”

“Can’t be worth much then.”

“Oh, stop prancing about.”

“Boy, you’re easy to impress.”

“Your merchandise couldn’t be that good.”

“We’ve seen better.”

“Don’t get above yourself!”

“Stop exaggerating.”

“Did we ask for a speech?”

“Enough small talk, let’s talk business.”

“It’s an honor for us to buy from you.”

“We are pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Lads, I think this is the place for us!”

“It’s nice to talk to someone who knows his value.”

“That’s enough.
Beorn, Ulgard, throw these rabid bums out!” the herbalist and two heavy set men are coming at you, armed with axes…

“If you’re asking for a thrashing, be my guests.
Beorn, Ulgard, there are some vagrants here looking for a good hiding.” two hulking brutes come from the back room with big grins on their faces and huge axes in their hands…

“Isleif, Jurge, sharpen your sabres on this trash here!” at the herbalist’s call, two giants among men appear and approach menacingly…

“You asked for it. Isleif, Beorn, teach these bums some manners.” on the herbalist’s call, two broad-shouldered men appear and approach you, swinging their axes…

“So what do you want?”

“Then tell me what you want!”

“Now, what brought you here?”

“All right, once more, what do you want?”

“How about some fun with a blockhead merchant.”

“Maybe we just want to waste your time!”

“Could it be that we’re looking for a fight?”

“Maybe we want to steal your savings?”

“Yes, what do we want here…?”

“We give you three guesses as to why we’re here!”

“If only we knew what we want…”

“We’ll have to think about that.”

“We’d like to take a look at your wares.”

“We are interested in your merchandise.”

“We would like to buy some things from you.”

“We may want to buy something.”

“That’s quite enough! Get out…”

“I’ve taken all I can. Get lost!”

“Be gone!, and never darken my door again!”

“Push off, and don’t you dare show up again, or you’ll regret it!”

“I told you to get lost…”

“I don’t believe it! You again!”

“It can’t be?!”

“Just how dim are you lot? Didn’t I make myself clear before?”

“Before we get down to business, let met give you a little hint first:

“Before you look at my wares, you might be interested to know:

“Because you’re such nice people, let me tell you something:

“Before you tell me, what you want, I want to tell you something:

“What do you want here? We have nothing to say to each other!”

“I thought I had made myself perfectly clear about never wanting to set eyes on you lot again!”

“Get out, or I’ll throw you out again!”

“Did you already forget how I threw you out last time?”

Язык: English | Категория: Blade of Destiny Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 169 | Отзывов: 0

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