
Yeto Orbegast

Ah yes, I see it now! You need a new wardrobe!

What? Who? Why?
Eh? Uhm. Yes… well, if you don’t want clothes, what else can I do for you?

How can I be of help?

Might you be able to tell us something about the town?

A gravedigger was attacked by undead a while ago in the city boneyard, next to the temple of Firun. Sure, he almost went and became his own customer, hehehe! - Oh, sorry, not the sort of subject to joke about!

We’ve heard stories of a conspiracy between the Holberkians and the orcs!

With good reason. Who else keeps such a close contact with those savages? Once a blackpelt, always a blackpelt, although those halfbreeds haven’t quite as thick a fur!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

The Gods help me, no! The things you hear about him are quite sufficient for me!

What do you think of the tales about monsters prowling the sewers?

I haven’t seen any myself, but of course, I’d never go down there. There must be some reason people are vanishing after entering the sewers!

Do you know something about the pirates, perhaps?

Of course I do, there are regular announcements by the city corporation. According to them, the problem will be solved within a few days!

Do you know anything about the guild or the tradesmaster?

Why certainly! The city corporation keeps its citizens well informed. According to the latest news, the gang is as good as vanquished. Soon, there’ll be peace and quiet again.

Do you know a guy by the name of Tarik?

Umm - no, do you?

Do you know Bosper Jarnug, then?

The judge? Not personally, no, but he’s famed for his just sentencing!

Go with the Gods!

I must return to my work now. Go with the Gods!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 165 | Отзывов: 0

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