
Danow Wolpjes

Well, hello there! Why don’t you join me for a bit of a small talk!

Anything special in town, is there?

There’s the old watch tower at the harbor. They say it’s haunted. The city corporation thought it too expensive to tear it down, so they just had it walled up. Not that it seems to have troubled the ghosts, now.

Do you think the Holberkians are behind the orc uprising?

What? The Holberkians? No, no, pals - you’d need brains for something like that. To be honest with you, I wouldn’t think anybody in this town is up to that, not even Bosper, and that fellow really has his finger in every pot.

Do you know the rat-catcher?

Well, I’ve seen him on the streets, but I wouldn’t say that I ‘know’ him.

Do you think there are strange creatures below the city?

Now, a part of me wants to reply, ‘No, that’s load of hooey!’ But then again, there have been a lot of mysterious goings-on in this town lately!

Would you know something about the guild and its tradesmaster?

Know? Well, it’s like this: You hear a lot of talk, but I have serious doubts about anyone spreading those stories really knowing anything for sure.

Do you know someone named Tarik?

Yes, he’s here quite often, hold on…

The man stretches up and looks around the tavern.

That figures. Any time you’re actually looking for him…

Yes, over there, see, at that table in the back…

And indeed, Tarik is sitting at one of the tables, on his own, as usual.

Could you tell us something about this judge of yours?



Have a good one!

Enough small talk, my stout is getting stale!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 178 | Отзывов: 0

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