
Darian Zandor

Ah, it’s you?! Come in!

Yes, what have you come for?

Is there anything of interest in Riva we should know about?

Well, I like to go and take a look at the old watchtower by the harbor once in a while. It’s said to be haunted, you know. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to meet a ghost there.

We have!

[NAME] growls, and the magician’s face turns slightly red.

Do you think the Holberkians have orchestrated the orc uprising?

No. I don’t know that much about the Holberkians, but there’s one thing they have in common with their cousins, the orcs. Neither is troubled by genius-like intelligence!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

I’ve met him down the sewers once, but that was it. Actually, I’d been expecting encounters of quite a different kind.

Do you believe there are monsters below ground?

The only creature stalking the sewers is the rat-catcher. There’s nothing alive down there but him and the rats.

Do you know something about the guild or the tradesmasters?

Lothur Ui Chearghail was very successful, and that was bound to encourage envy. I’m sure he’s been framed by his competitors. - And they’ve dug their own graves by doing it!

Do you know Tarik?

Two-tongued - twice paid, if you get my drift.

Can you tell us something about the judge then?

He’s Riva’s strong man these days. He keeps everything under control and prevents things from getting out of hand. Due to the orc uprising, we’re isolated from the other towns. Lucky for us Riva is a harbor town, that way, at least the ships can still get here.


Hesinde protect you!

I’m expecting an apprentice soon and have things to prepare. So I’ll have to ask you to leave now. - Hesinde protect you!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 181 | Отзывов: 0

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