
Linai Korber

Hello! That’s nice. Finally, someone visits me again! That’s sweet. Now then, here’s what I’ve just heard: The judge went and got a woman for his bed this time. You know his last lovers have all been… Well, anyway, and if she isn’t with child now, then call me a liar. Sure, that’s no more than she deserves…

Uhm, we’d…

And the way she used to prance about, turning her nose up and swaying her hips, just so no-one could overlook her. Well, she’s had it coming, she’s had, I always said so, didn’t I? Nothing good’ll come of it I said…

Eh, yes, we were wondering…

But what am I talking about? I’ve got the laundry to do. I’m sorry, I can’t invite you in, it’s looking really… And only the day before yesterday I’ve… A woman’s work is never done, is it? Well, it was nice having a chance to talk to people who know their way around… The best now!

Hello, we’re…

Hello, have you heard, [NAME]

But what am I blabbing on about? I’ve still got the laundry to get through! The best now!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 180 | Отзывов: 0

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