
~ Locks


“Hold on…”, [Hero] says. “That lock looks just like…” With these words, [Hero] pulls out r and opens the lock.
“Just as I thought!” [Hero] then says with obvious satisfaction.

What are you going to do?

Force the Lock

Pick the Lock

Cast a Foramen

Not much chance of that without any lockpicks.

That might work, if you had someone with magical abilities in your party.

And who will cast the Foramen on the lock?

[Hero] tries in vain to pick the lock. How many more tries do you give,?

[Hero] tries to force open the lock, but without success.

[Hero] tries to pick the lock, but fails.

[Hero] casts a Foramen upon the lock, but without success. The lock stays shut!

The lock doesn’t open.

Suddenly, a blue-tinged bolt of light shoots out from the chest and hits [Hero].

[Hero] concentrates and takes the lock in both hands.
“Ouch, it’s booby-trapped, with a needle”, [Hero] cries.

Mucking about at the lock [Hero] pricks himself on a poisoned needle hidden at the back of it.

[Hero] tries in vain to bash the chest in. When [Hero] hits the lock with his/her bare hand in his/her rage, [Hero] rams a hidden needle into his/her flesh.

When [Hero] touches the lock to cast a Foramen, [Hero] cries out and pulls 1 hand away.
“There’s a sharp needle on that lock”, [Hero] says, holding his/her hand.

Messing about at the lock [Hero] pricks himself on a poisoned needle hidden at the back of it.

[Hero] tries without success to bash in the chest. In addition, [Hero] has cut himself on a hidden needle on the last blow.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 169 | Отзывов: 0

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