
Fahra Arond

Hello! Who are you? Ah well, who cares, just come in, will you. - Now, what was I saying, ah yes, would you believe that dark-haired trollop, she’s got a bun in the oven. Wouldn’t I like to know who’s responsible for that one. She’s got a fresh one every day, I’m telling you…

Eh, we’re…

And how she’s been looking down her nose at us. Well, she had it coming! Just sitting about all day, no decent work to occupy her, not like our kind, no wonder. Nothing good’ll come of it I said…

Uhm, yes, we were…

Just listen to me talking! And here I’ve still got the yard to sweep, and half the house hasn’t been cleaned yet. Well, I hope you have a really nice day further!

Hello, we’re…

Hello, have you heard the news, [rumors list]

Just listen to me talking! And here I’ve still got the yard to sweep, and half the house to clean. Well, have a really nice day now!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 179 | Отзывов: 0

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