
Salix Musker

The man who opens the door is wearing a city guard’s uniform:

Yes? Is there something I can do for you?

Is there anything interesting to see around here?

A bit to the east the dwarves have dug some mine shafts. Normally, they do that in the mountains, not on the coast! I have no idea what they expect to find.

Do you think the Holberkians are orchestrating the orc uprising?

Where did you get that idea? I don’t think the orcs are going to take orders from anybody.

Do you know the rat-catcher at all?

Not too well, he’s constantly on the move.

Do you think there are monsters below the ground?

No. I’ve been down there a few times, because of the guild. There definitely aren’t any monsters in the sewers. We’d have found evidence of that if there were.

Do you know anything about the guild or the tradesmaster that you could tell us?

Supposedly, they’re holed up in the sewers. I’ve been down there myself a few times, but we never found anything, not even footprints.

Do you know Tarik?

Of course I do, everybody does! He’s supposed to be working for Bosper Jarnug, but I don’t think anybody really trusts him, not even the judge!

Perhaps you could tell us something about the judge?

Well, for a while it looked as if the guild would take over Riva, but then Bosper Jarnug got in the driver’s seat and started cracking the whip.

What do you mean ‘cracking the whip’?

Well, there have been a number of arrests, including those of several high-ranking officials. There’s those who privately claim the judge is misusing his office to steer city politics.

If that’s true, shouldn’t someone put a stop to it?

Now, it isn’t as bad as it sounds: While the orcs keep holding the entire Northlands to ransom, we have good use for a strong man keeping the order in this town.


May the Twelve protect you!

Well, I’ve got to go back on duty. Till we meet again - hopefully not on official business.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 166 | Отзывов: 0

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