
Gorm Doldrecht

How can I be of service?
Is there anything special about Riva you could tell us?

A mighty strange fellow has taken residence in the old tower south of town. He’s experimenting with animals, and I’d bet he’s in league with demons, too.

Say, do you believe in a conspiracy of orcs and Holberkians?

Believe in it? I’m certain of it! The Holberkians are everywhere, day in, day out, they know all there is to know about Riva. And then they go and tell it all to the blackpelts. I don’t understand how you could doubt that!

What have you got to say about the rat-catcher then?

A dreadful sort - filthy, inscrutable, and almost never to be seen in daylight. There are people who’d swear a holy oath that Xebbert’s a werecreature. He probably eats the vermin he catches down in the sewers!

And have you heard about the monster living in the sewers?

The monster? There’s hundred down there, what am I saying, thousands!

He might even be right, if you count all the rats, fleas and other insects…

Just in the last few days, a vampire’s been sighted down there. First in the shape of an upright walking rat, then as an emaciated zombie. You know vampires change their appearance according to how much blood they’ve sucked, don’t you?!

Do you know anything about the pirates?

Another dreadful danger for this town! It’s not enough that the orcs are at the gates and unnatural creatures come crawling out from the sewers, now here’s pirates setting up on Sorrek. - I’m telling you, it won’t be long and all of Riva will be in ruins!

What do you know about the guild or the tradesmaster, pray tell?

You’re no longer safe on the streets at night! Even in broad daylight, I don’t leave this place any longer than absolutely necessary! I’ve got everything I need to defend myself right here!

Gorm pulls a pickaxe from the shelves and waves it about madly. The performance is not so much impressive as it is a danger to himself and all about him!

Do you know one Tarik?

No, I have no business with that guy!

And what do you know about the judge?

He’s providing law and order for the town. He’s been forced to give some harsh sentences lately, but that’s the only way to keep the peace around here.

How’s business?

Yes, well, I get by. There’s no merchandise from the Svellt valley anymore, most goods come by ship. Obviously, the prices have to reflect that, and people have started to think hard before parting with their money.

May the Twelve be with you!

And with you - Have a nice day now!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 174 | Отзывов: 0

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