
Dimeloe Lutesong

Yes, what brings you to see me?

Hello, what’s up?

Anything special in town, is there?

I’ve heard the old watchtower at the harbor is haunted again. Apart from that, things are pretty quiet in town.

Since Ariana’s death I’m certain something strange is going on. Maybe the rat-catcher has something to do with it after all, or at least knows what it is.

Do you think the Holberkians are behind the orc uprising?

No, the orcs would never listen to strangers!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

A bit. He’s quite sociable, but rarely seen.

Not really. Maybe he knows what Ariana’s death is about.

What do you think of the rumors about monsters in the sewer system?

It couldn’t be more than rumors!

It’s hardly imaginable, but who else could have killed Ariana? No human would suck the blood from a dead body, and you can hardly imagine someone carrying it out in a bucket, now, can you?
Do you know anything about the guild and the tradesmaster?

Not much. Everybody’s talking about them, but it seems no-one knows anything really.

Do you know a guy named Tarik?

Yes! You know, I’d imagined him a seedy lowlife, before I actually met him, but in fact he made quite a favorable impression on me!

Do you know anything about the pirates?

There’s not much known about the pirate scum, because they don’t leave any witnesses of their crimes. The only thing that’s pretty sure is that they’ve settled on Sorrek.

Any news about Ariana’s death?

The body was totally drained of blood. Who’d rob his victim of all her blood, I’m asking you. It’s hard to imagine a human doing that!

I hope I could be of help.

Well, I must say goodbye now. Why don’t you come visit me again some time.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 158 | Отзывов: 0

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