
Berna Lonnert

Visitors? That’s nice. No-one else ever comes around here, do they? Anyway, what was I saying? Have you heard, the judge’s supposed to have got himself another woman. I even heard there’s something on the way there! Well, I wouldn’t swear it has to be the judge’s, you know, she’s never been short of menfolk!

Eh, we’ve…

And what a show-off she’s always been, working at an office and not at manual labor, like we do, well, now she’s got what she deserves, I always knew nothing good would come of it…

Uhm, yes, we were…

Will you listen to me talking? And my kitchen looks like… Huh! I daren’t say. - In any case, all the best!

Hello, we’re…

Hello there, say, have you heard, [rumors list]

Will you listen to me talking? And my kitchen looks like, well I daren’t even think about it. In any case, all the best!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 174 | Отзывов: 0

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