
Ishtan Hollerow

Yes? What can I do you for?

What’s to know about this area?

Now, there’s the old watchtower at the harbor. There are reports of ghosts haunting it regularly.

Do you think the Holberkians behind the orc uprising?

They have the best contacts to the orcs. Who else could have influenced the blackpelts?

Do you know the rat-catcher?

No, I mean, he’s hardly ever seen in town. That guy spends just about all his time prowling the sewer tunnels!

Do you believe there are strange creatures living underground?

I’m certain of it, but I don’t care as long they stay down there.

Can you tell us something about the guild and the tradesmaster?

You should watch out! The guild makes sure nobody gets in their way!

Do you know Tarik?

You shouldn’t get involved with that shady character. He’s in cahoots with the judge.

Do you know something about the judge?

Bosper Jarnug’s a crook. The only thing he’s interested in when proclaiming sentence is his own profit. There’s many a one been arrested only so he could have his way with them.


And a nice day to you.

That’s enough now, I’m busy!

Following a quick glance at your wristband, the man lets you in. He’s wearing a white wristband himself.

How can I help?

Is there news?

There isn’t all that much happening around here at the moment. I’m afraid it’s the calm before a storm.

Do you believe the Holberkians could be behind the orc uprising?

No. Maybe the blackpelts were incited by one of their chieftains.

Do you know the rat-catcher?

Yes, of course! He’s a harmless fellow, interested in naught but his darlings, the rats.

And what do you think of Bosper Jarnug?

Well, obviously we’re not exactly best pals with the judge. Since about two, three years ago, Jarnug’s developed an extreme lust for power, and he’s getting involved in a lot of things that are none of his business really.


I hope I’ve been able to help. If you get into trouble, you’ll know where to turn to.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 169 | Отзывов: 0

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