
Liska Lordred

Praise Rahja! Elaja Karbeck has sent us.

The priestess looks at you in surprise:

About what…?

She asked us to have a look around town. It’s about an alleged conspiracy…

Oh yes, I know. We’ve been talking about it just now. - What can I do for you?

May the Goddess be pleased!

What’s of interest in and around Riva?
Some dwarves have established a mine near the town. That’s fairly unusual, with the next mountain range so far away, and to dig a mine here in our hills, this close to the sea… - Is that of any interest to you?

The guild has been making news in town lately. It started out as a criminal gang, but under the tradesmaster’s leadership, it’s developed into a sort of rebel organization. - Not that its members have become any less criminally inclined…

Do you believe there’s a conspiracy of the orcs and Holberkians?

It’s very hard to believe, but the evidence does point that way.

What do you know about the rat-catcher?

He’s done nothing wrong as far as I can tell.

What do you think of the talk about monsters beneath town?

I don’t believe it, no matter what people say.

Do you know anything about the pirates?

Murderous scum! They’re a real blight of the seas, but the city corporation is about to act against them.

Do you have any information about the guild and the tradesmaster?

The tradesmaster taking over has done wonders for the guild’s organization. Ui Chearghail and his men are popular with the people for thumbing their noses at the authorities.

Do you know a fellow named Tarik?

Of course, the whole town knows Tarik! But be careful when you talk to him. For Tarik, there are no secrets. He’ll tell everything to anyone as long as there’s a piece of gold to be earned by it.

What can you tell us about Bosper Jarnug?

He has changed much these last years. He used to be a symbol of law and order, but now… I don’t know what to make of it, I honestly don’t.

Could you enlighten us a bit about your Goddess?

Put your heart and soul into all you do. The Goddess will reward your dedication with ecstasy.

Go with the Goddess’ blessing and enjoy the fullness of your lives!

I must return to the service of the Goddess. - Go with Rahja’s Blessings!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 186 | Отзывов: 0

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