
Lana Torbens

Hello there, I’m Lana Torbens, the landlady! Can I help you?

Hello there, can I help you?

Is there any news?

Well, animals keep disappearing all the time. People are saying that the mage from the tower south of town catches them to use in his unholy experiments.

Is there any news about the orcs?

No, there are hardly any warriors left in the area’s orc tribes. Most have probably gone south with the big armies, and there’ll be far fewer of them coming back. The orcs won’t be up to much this way.

What do you think about the Holberkians?

You hardly hear or see anything of them. If all the citizens of this town were as quiet and unassuming, Riva would be far nicer place to live. The Holberkians are living in the north of town in abominable conditions. The city corporation won’t allow them to settle anywhere else.

Can you tell us something about the rat-catcher?

A lot of talk, but precious few facts. One thing is sure, there’re hardly any rats in town since Xebbert Drbann took up his job. Apart from that, there’s the most outrageous rumors going around. But that’s to be expected with someone you hardly ever see during the daytime, and who’s constantly forced to crawel through vermin-infested tunnels. - Of course the rabble is ranting!

Have you heard the talk about unholy creatures in the sewers?

Yes, and most of it is utter nonsense! Upright walking rats, Vampires, and ghosts - the only thing missing is arch-demons! Mind you, lately there’ve been persistent reports of some emaciated being with hollow eyes down there. But it hasn’t attacked anybody yet. - Or at least, nobody has reported anything of the sort.

Could you tell us something about the pirates?

The ruffians are reportedly based on Sorrek island. The city council has been busy for months gathering a force to drive them out.

Do you know anything about the guild or the tradesmaster?

It seems the guild is well-organized, with officers, soldiers, and the lot! There’s the ‘tradesmaster’ at the top, the officers are called ‘merchants’, and the soldiers are the ‘traders’.

Do you know a fellow called Tarik?

A very shady customer. I don’t quite know what to make of him: on the one hand, I feel a certain sympathy towards Tarik, but on the other, you hear certain things… Tarik coming on all friendly to people, only to tell everything he picks up to the judge - I mean, that’s hardly proper behaviour, now is it?

What do you know about the judge then?

The judge is a crook. I wouldn’t like to get under his thumb. I’d be forced to share the blighter’s bed for several nights, if he even fancied me. Anyone who spurns his advances can look forward to spending years in jail!

The landlady casts a glance at her hourglass:

Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but duty calls.

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 182 | Отзывов: 0

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