
Elya Ords

The Gods be with you!

Could you tell us something about this town?

Well then, there’s an old watchtower by the harbor that figures in a lot of stories. People keep telling me that it’s haunted.

We’ve heard a lot about a conspiracy of the Holberkians and the orcs!

Now really, that’s just talk! The Holberkians wouldn’t have the brains to hatch a plan, and the orcs wouldn’t have the brains to carry it out. I think there’s just one leader somewhere a bit cleverer than most blackpelts. - As soon as they catch him, there’ll be peace in the Northlands!

Do you know the rat-catcher?

Xebbert Drbann? Now, you don’t get to see him often, he’s at work mostly. A very pleasant fellow, though, I really don’t see what people could hold against him.

And what about the talk about a monster down in the sewers?

Oh, it’s just one monster nowadays, is it? Excuse my cynicism, but people keep running their mouths off about it, and I’m just about sick to death of all that stupid garbage.

Do you know anything about the pirates?

The pirates are said to have gone to ground on the island outside the estuary. The corporation keeps talking about taking measures, but nothing has actually been done yet.

Maybe you know something about the guild or the tradesmaster?

Well, I assume it’s the guild that spreads all that talk about monsters in the sewers. The guildmembers hide from the guards down there, so they’re not keen having on a lot of trespassers!

Do you know a man called Tarik?

Uh - yes, even though it’s probably better not to. He has quite a seedy reputation!

Can you tell as something about Bosper Jarnug?

He’s the city and county judge at Riva, a highly respected citizen.

Gods be with you!

Excuse me, I must get back to work. Gods be with you!

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 22.01.25 | Просмотров: 183 | Отзывов: 0

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