[Hero]’s strength is sapped.
[Hero]’s agility is decreasing.
[Hero] is recovering his/her strength.
[Hero] is recovering his/her agility.
Arax Poison
[Hero] is struck by a slight paralysis.
[Hero] is slowly recovering full use of his/her limbs.
Fear Poison
[Hero] is gripped by a terrible fright!
[Hero]’s fear subsides.
[Hero] drops off into a deep, dreamless slumber.
[Hero] awakes. [Hero] feels whacked.
[Hero] loses [N] Astral Point!
[Hero]’s astral energy is regenerating.
[Hero] feels on top of the world.
[Hero]’s head feels like it’s wrapped in cotton wool.
[Hero]’s head has cleared.
Battlefield Fever
[Hero]’s fever is getting very much worse.
[Hero] has overcome the disease, but [Hero] is still weak from those exhausting last few days.
[Hero]’s condition is getting steadily worse. If you don’t do something soon, [Hero] won’t be able to move at all.
[Hero] succumbs to the effects of battlefield fever and dies.
[Hero]’s lips are turning yellow, and [Hero] is developing severe stomach pains!
[Hero]’s lips slowly return to their natural color.
[Hero] is shaking from cold all over. Some parts of his/her skin have grown totally numb already.
[Hero] is shaking from cold all over.
Abruptly, [Hero] starts frothing at the mouth and striking out willy-nilly.
It’s a rabies attack!
Do you want to treat, after
- striking, unconscious?
- sedating him/her?
- casting a Meekness spell?
You have knocked [Hero] out!
Who will take care of [Hero]?
You manage to calm [Hero].
You fail to calm [Hero]!
Who’s going to cast the spell?
The spell calms [Hero].
[Hero] doesn’t have enough astral energy available for the spell.
Abruptly, [Hero] starts frothing at the mouth and striking out willy-nilly.
It’s a rabies attack!
[Hero] is striking out at the other party members as if insane!
Hunger and Thirst
Get a drink!
[Hero] is dying of thirst!
Get some food!
[Hero] is starving!
[Hero] was thirsty. Now, [Hero]’s had a drink.
[Hero] was hungry. Now, [Hero]’s eaten.
[Hero] just used up 1 last drink.
[Hero] just used up 1 last rations.
[Hero] has fainted.
[Hero] has left you for the Halls of Boron.
[Hero1] has already used up his/her last rations. So, [Hero1] eats one of [Hero2]’s.
[Hero1] has already used up his/her last drink, but fortunately, [Hero2] still has some.