Could you tell us something about the town?
The pirates have set up a base on Sorrek, an island not far from here.
Do you believe there’s a conspiracy of Holberkians and orcs?
Well, at least orcs and Holberkians are constantly hanging out together, and they’re related somewhat, too, I mean, you can’t miss that just looking at them. There’s got to be some reason why the orcs have suddenly started warring all over the northlands!
Do you know anything about the rat-catcher?
The rat-catcher hides away in the sewers all day. Who knows what that shady character is up to down there?!
What do you think of the talk about a monster in the sewers?
People say the rat-catcher has summoned up a whole army. We’re lucky these creatures shy away from daylight, is all. I, for one, don’t go out on my own at night any more.
What about the guild?
A mob of criminals and cutthroats more popular than the city guards - it’s unbelievable!
Do you know that fellow, Tarik?
No, I’ve got nothing to do with him!
Do you know anything about the judge, Bosper Jarnug?
Jarnug is respected and influentual… lately, though, he keeps getting involved in more and more things that aren’t rightly his business.
That’s about enough, I’ve got a lot of work to get through!