
~ Healer

“You’re fairly late, aren’t you? It’s going to cost you somewhat more if you want help at this hour.”

Who needs treatment?

“I am sorry, my friends, but this goes beyond my knowledge in the healing arts! I cannot help you.”

“I can’t treat [Hero] while [Hero]’s petrified!”

“[Hero] looks all right to me.”

“I can’t find anything wrong with [Hero].”

“Fortunately, [Hero] hasn’t been poisoned.”

“your regeneration would set you back the pittance of [N] Silver Crowns.”

“[Hero] has definitely come down with. I’ll try to help, for [N] Silvers.”

“Let’s see…
I’d have to charge you [N] Crowns for the attempt to neutralize the poison in your system.”

“Praise be to Tsa. [Hero] has overcome the disease!”

“Peraine! Something must have gone wrong.
I’m really sorry, folks.
Tell you what, I’ll only charge you half price.”

“I could try to end your petrification for [N] Silver Crowns.”

“What are you talking about? [Hero] isn’t petrified at all!”

“Thanks be to Tsa. [Hero] is free of poison.”

“Praise Tsa. [Hero] is no longer petrified.”

“Tsa be praised. your wounds have healed.”

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 194 | Отзывов: 0

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