
~ Chapter

“There is a witness to the crime. - I’ll write out a warrant. Go round up the suspects!”

“Allow me to introduce ourselves: I am Rohezal of the Anvil, a scholar of Dispellation Magic, and widely known as an expert on, and steadfast opponent of, Borbaradism.”

“My colleagues here are Saldor Foslarin, Collegium of Beilunk and Head of the White Guild; Racalla of Horsen-Ravenbeak, Society of The Magical Armour at Gareth; Landor Gerrano, Proctor of Bethana Academy; and Haldana of Ilmenstone, Primate of the Church of Hesinde.”

All attending gasp in shock - what horrible danger could have brought the five most powerful white mages in all of Arkania here to Riva, together? What power could be able to overpower and imprison them?

Game Points: of a possible [N]

Язык: English | Категория: Shadows over Riva Game Texts | Дата: 02.02.25 | Просмотров: 177 | Отзывов: 0

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